Saturday, November 3, 2007

Statements In Brief

I want to make some brief statements:

I liked McGuinty’s new cabinet except I had concerns when he dropped Monte Kwinter and David Ramsay without giving them a PA job to land on.

The Liberals were right to twice abstain on voting to keep the Tories in power. There was an editorial in the Toronto Star on October 31 saying that the Liberals should have defeated the Tories over the mini-budget. I disagree. The Liberals agreed with all the tax cuts except the GST. There was no point in fighting an election over the GST. So twice the Liberals did the right thing.


1 comment:

Anonymous said...

It looks bad for the Liberals right now - but by staying back it has allowed some not so good things ease through. Capital punishment issue, Gary Lunn in doo doo over "conflict of interest" and lobbyists by the Auditor General, issues with CPC candidates, Jose Veneer and her husband and their ads in Quebec and more.

Harper's in a hurry alright - he doesn't want this stuff out.