Friday, November 16, 2007

I understand

I get the point about Jeanne Krieber-Dion's name. However, taking both parents names musn't be mandatory in Quebec or much of the Quebec population would have double-barrelled name.


Anonymous said...

Yes, and this is important why?

I feel like I'm reading a third of your post . . . not a big deal, just seems strange.

Is there some pressing argument against her having a hyphenated name? This isn't Alabama, it's Canada. We're mostly used to these funky modern ideas.

Ok, so maybe some Albertans still split flames over dual citizenship. But I haven't heard that the hyphenated name is of great concern to anyone who might potentially vote for Dion.


Anonymous said...

The British have done this for centuries. One thing good about it, if you are researching your family genealogy - it makes it so much easier.

Believe me, I know. I've been searching my family - very difficult. My husband's family was easy because of the double-name.

Anonymous said...

Ok, wow I'm amazed by you Brendan. You get to have so much free time that you can actually have an opinion about my last name.

Now, just to make it clear, I have both my dad's AND my mom's last name.

And about your post on June 2nd where you stated: ''That may be why Stéphane Dion’s wife’s name is Janine Krieber. Dion’s daughter’s name however is Jeanne Dion. For the record I can’t help but think it is sex discrimination that it is the male in an opposite-sex marriage that is expected to pass his surname to his children, but I can go on about that on another day.''
How false was that!

Let me get this right. First you say that it's discriminatory that I only have my dad's name. Then you try to excuse yourself by saying that I, and other Quebecers, shouldn't have two last names. Is it only me, or is this totally absurd. Oh and it's not mandatory to have both parents names.

You should always always check your facts, even if you're not a journalist or a public person. You're still posting something wrong, and a lot of people will read it thinking it's true.